[Main configuration file for Crancod] [Main file path] C:\Cyfrifiaduro\Data\Clg6\Clg6 [Language: 0: English; 1: Cymraeg; 2: Deutsch; 3: Other] 0 [Origin of the data set: 0: rectangular sample plot(s); 1: circular sample plot(s)] 0 [Analysis mode: 0: non-spatial analysis only; 1: non-spatial + spatial analysis] 1 [Stand height curve model: 0: Oliveira; 1: Michailov; 2: Petterson] 2 [Estimated tree heights modified by standard error? 0: no, 1: yes] 1 [Number of neighbours: position, species, dimension, TD,TH,D] 4 4 4 1 [Lowest mid point & class width of DBH distribution in cm] 4 4 [Lowest mid point & class width of distance distribution in m] 0.25 0.5 [Simpson index definition: standard form[0,1], complementary[0] or reciprocal form[1]] 0 0 [Standard angle UAI in gon and tolerance in %] 80 0 [Dominance definition according to Hui et al., 1998 (0) or Aguirre et al., 2003 (1)] 1 [Species codes for special analyses (max. 3)] 12 16 [Neighbourhood definition for special analyses: 0: any species, 1: same species] 0 [Parameters for the correlation functions (number of steps, step width, kernel width, kernel type)] 100 0.5 1.9 0 [Edge correction? 0: no, 1: translation, 2: reflection, 3: buffer, 4: NN1, 5: NN2] 4 [Buffer width (3) in m] 5 Java random number? 0: false, 1: true] 0 [Write Protocol? 0: false, 1: true] 1 [Dimensions of visualisation image [pixel]: x, y] 200 200